Unlocking the bootloader
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After the installation, you'll be given the choice to run the program. Run it. This is what you'll see:
Warning: when you boot your device, the first screen you see should be the one with the white Google logo. If you see the unlock icon at the bottom (a white unlocked... lock), you don't need to do the following anymore. It'll fail and say you're already unlocked anyway.
Type fastboot oem unlock to unlock the bootloader. THIS WILL WIPE YOUR DEVICE. Continue the process by selecting to agree on your phone.
Reboot your phone into working condition. You'll need to download some files onto it for the next steps.
Step 1: Installing the tools (ADB and Fastboot)
Download the latest version here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317790 (scroll down a bit to the Downloads section). Install it.After the installation, you'll be given the choice to run the program. Run it. This is what you'll see:
Type adb devices to check the connection. If you've installed the drivers successfully and the USB connection is solid, this command will display your device's id.
Type adb reboot-bootloader to reboot into bootloader mode. You should see an Android undergoing open-heart surgery soon.
Type fastboot devices to check fastboot driver. Like earlier, if the driver was installed successfully, you'll see the id just like before. Otherwise the response will be an empty line. If you don't see a response, go back to [the previous guide] and redo the installation, using the same downloaded file and everything, while your Nexus device is in this green-android-open-heart-surgery mode. After that, fastboot devices should give you the expected response.
Step 2: Unlocking the bootloader
Warning: when you boot your device, the first screen you see should be the one with the white Google logo. If you see the unlock icon at the bottom (a white unlocked... lock), you don't need to do the following anymore. It'll fail and say you're already unlocked anyway.
Type fastboot oem unlock to unlock the bootloader. THIS WILL WIPE YOUR DEVICE. Continue the process by selecting to agree on your phone.
Reboot your phone into working condition. You'll need to download some files onto it for the next steps.
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